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  1. Dwinstitles

    Spring game thoughts

    They are both fast asf but Ray Ray has that frame and that first step giddy that makes him different imo. Not saying that Robby is trash but Ray Ray seems different.
  2. Dwinstitles

    Spring game thoughts

    facts he does well on his evals there 100
  3. Dwinstitles

    Spring game thoughts

    Yea u can tell the new kids coming in look different. Evals seem to be better than what we have had in a long time. Was super excited for Ray Ray and he showed me why. Can't wait to see Chris Johnson
  4. Dwinstitles

    Spring game thoughts

    the talent that has just arrived looks better than what we been getting for years. Thats all I need to see to know Mario will ix this eventually. People here have said it wasnt a talent issue for years thats BS, I said talent was buns for a long time. Now we finally got a guy in charge that...