Search results

  1. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    There it is. Put much less lazily than I did. Thanks. There is no bias to this IMO. He's about the kids and the art and it doesn't go much deeper. I don't even think supporting him or sharing his stuff will make a difference in our direction btw. His indifference is legit and cuts both ways. I...
  2. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    Yeah, from 2016, and STILL PINNED CAUSE STILL VALID? You're reaching amigo. And reaching even more with your assumptions about me. I hate repeating myself so I won't. I think, since you care so much, that you should organize an undercover sting! Black ops! See if you can get a edit made for...
  3. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    No way I am getting any more involved lol. If any of you that really care about this can source better photos, I will be happy to pass them on. But otherwise I'm out before I end up dragged into a four hour, three-time zone zoom from ****. :ROFLMAO:
  4. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    LOL you should definitely do that, sounds extremely well-balanced. :ROFLMAO: I see you "did your own research," did ya now? Yes, its a free service he provides recruits. All those words and and you didn't bother to notice his pinned post.
  5. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    Look at his art, it all looks high res to pop hard. That's his style. That's my opinion, he didn't tell me that. Just that he had trouble finding good pics (as did I). Honestly like I said, until we all went nuts, I don't even think he noticed the crowd. I mean, he didn't even understand that he...
  6. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    Funny, that's the very first thing I did. Trumpy is funny (never, ever, stop, @TrumpyCane) but there are resolution issues with what's out there. I sent him 15 pics. I knew going in that at least 11 of them were a no go but it was all I could find. I really regret getting sucked into this lol
  7. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    "Craziness" is a good way to put it. No, he hasn't reached out to UM. I doubt he would know how to. I know this because he was having trouble "finding" pics that worked on google, as did I. I'm telling you guys, this is just an artsy kid who is a designer that hustled his way into getting his...
  8. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    Wow. If you had the conversation I had with him I don't think you'd think he was capable of scheming like that lol. I really don't think there is anything going on here except what I said. But who knows? We will see. Proof will be in the pudding.
  9. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    So I literally asked this board for pics to send him, and all I got was maybe two responses with the same few low res ones that I found on twitter and google etc too. There really isn't a lot out there surprisingly that works well for an edit. Not defending him, just stating what I saw...
  10. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    ****** all around! And I am not "defending" him. I don't know him. I don't care. I simply relayed what my communication with him yielded, and what the vibe I got from it was. Gave my opinion. Which I'd bet money is accurate, fwiw. But who knows?
  11. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    Oh boy. Well let me be clear. I personally couldn't give two ***** about the pic in a 3rd party commitment graphic on twitter lol. So there's that. I don't know the guy at all either, as stated. As I said, this weirdly came across my desk and I had an opportunity to give him guidance on behalf...
  12. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    Yep. And we were doing so well lol. As mentioned in another thread, I understand and I had someone ask him again wtf. He said it was the only one that worked for a side by side pic 🤦‍♂️(yeah, he doesn't get it). He's not anti-Cane or trying to diss. I think he's just an artsy kid who I don't...
  13. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    No sir, not affiliated in any way whatsoever, that isn't my world lol. As I alluded to, its something I randomly and weirdly ended up being privy to. The world is funny that way sometimes. He's just a young guy who started doing free edits for kids and it's ballooned a bit, I wouldn't catch...
  14. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    It's not deliberate, I can assure you, weirdly. You can believe me or not, totally cool, I get that people get caught up in it all here including myself, but maybe not everyone gives enough of a **** to go five levels deep and think about every little thing like stadium perception, ya know? BTW...
  15. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    Yeah those are the ones I found on google too. Not too much out there. One of those looks higher res than the version I found so that's really helpful, thank you. Keep them coming y'all. EDIT: I swear there is a good fireworks photo out there somewhere if anyone has it. EDIT x2: These are...
  16. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    Everyone who cares: Ok so the crowd thing was not deliberate, he had trouble finding a good pic, if you and anyone else can post a stadium pic that we'd all like to see on the edits he will use it. Really weird how this randomly came across my desk but post or link to the highest res version of...
  17. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    When I was at UM we had a 2 story beer bong. The sheer pressure that the gravity created forced the beer into you so fast it was hard to regulate. It was a minute ago but I swear we'd load a whole 6-pack. Puts that kid to shame. :)
  18. Cryptical Envelopment

    Chance Robinson commits to Miami

    Chance? You guys should watch the actual interview. It wasn't as nefarious or cautionary as you are all taking it. I think people are reading into it too much. He was waxing poetic about UM and in between it he was specifically asked if he was canceling his visits and he replied honestly. It's...