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  1. BeastMode

    2024 Marquise Lightfoot 4* DE from Chicago

    This going to be at the end of the show?
  2. BeastMode

    2024 Marquise Lightfoot 4* DE from Chicago

    Need more Emily proud
  3. BeastMode

    2024 Marquise Lightfoot 4* DE from Chicago

    Fair. It’s hard to win kids out of the Midwest I’m not even made about that one. Mario shot his shot. That’s all we can ask. Manny wouldn’t have even been in the mix. This is what big boy recruiting is like. It’s a constant dog fight.
  4. BeastMode

    2024 Marquise Lightfoot 4* DE from Chicago

    He’s a mommy’s boy
  5. BeastMode

    2024 Marquise Lightfoot 4* DE from Chicago

    I remember when I lived in Nashville and she was on local sports. I knew she would be promoted to something better
  6. BeastMode

    2024 Marquise Lightfoot 4* DE from Chicago

    I’ll one up you….. only getting him cause O$Unis getting Stewart……(that’s actually probably what’s happening) but I’ll take 1 for now
  7. BeastMode

    2024 Marquise Lightfoot 4* DE from Chicago

    Dabo also hired great coordinators and don’t be fooled Clemson was buying players even back then
  8. BeastMode

    2024 Marquise Lightfoot 4* DE from Chicago

    Amazing what can happen in two weeks. I want someone to spill the beans after this class is wrapped up
  9. BeastMode

    2024 Marquise Lightfoot 4* DE from Chicago

    I keep hearing how great JT is and he is killing it! I want results. It’s not even July yet but boy is the hype machine pumping for this man before he has even landed a recruit .