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  1. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    Enough of this agreement over tomato choice. We need to choose violence.
  2. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    What are the odds a CIS throwdown occurs over "best tomatoes" in a can?
  3. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    Hold my beer.
  4. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    Ahh yes....several DMs have been exchanged past few days on "when is someone going to porst a CIS branded blow up doll?" I do credit @DMoney for his bravery starting this thread. Or maybe he was drinking.
  5. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    You mean everyday threads. #SomePorstersLiveGirlHoodLife
  6. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    The only thing missing from the "the time is now" video pre-AtM was the Hans Zimmer soundtrack... Good for @DMoney though. He, and others, have created this space that helps sooth the savage beasts in all of us. Imagine what we'd be doing if CIS didn't exist. Seriously. Scary stuff.
  7. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    I just made this my lock screen wall paper
  8. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    **** it. You run by Jim Nance and smack him with a hot dog in the face, I'll drop $20.
  9. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    I will give you $1 if you streak across Amen Corner with "CIS" painted on you. Probably $2. Make sure you have on orange and green socks though for modesty.
  10. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    Make sure Cryptical's bobble head body is Barbie. Want to ensure anatomical correctness.
  11. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    T-shirt "Blue Lot Heavyweight Champion" "Titanic Heavyweight Champion"
  12. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    A line of **** speedos. CIS printed on ball sack. No tassles, keep it classy. This isnt the WEZ. Sales alone would fund Miami's NIL easily.
  13. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    I'm confident this thread is going to deliver.
  14. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

  15. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    ***** Gauntlet or some variance of that... "Mods please delete my posts..." "I'm so glad I don't know you in real life" "My corch is better than your corch"
  16. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    How did I even get dragged into this? Did I miss something? Did I sleep porst? I've been hacked!!!!!! I did not porst all those ghey donkey pics! It wasn't me.
  17. Empirical Cane

    What type of merch would you like?

    Where is this coming from today? I step away for a few hours and all sorts of shenanigans is going on. What am I being dragged into? Also, there has never been, nor ever will be, a battle. A humiliating massacre, yes, that has and would continue to happen. C'mon now friend.