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  1. CanefaninBuckeyeland

    JUCO 2024 Sione Laulea JUCO CB

    Thanks for clearing that up.
  2. CanefaninBuckeyeland

    JUCO 2024 Sione Laulea JUCO CB

    Can someone please explain the deal here? The season (not to mention the semester) starts in about a week and this guy still hasn't decided! What am I missing?
  3. CanefaninBuckeyeland

    JUCO 2024 Sione Laulea JUCO CB

    Yeah, it's kinda like UF fans saying your boy Fatson had slimmed down to a svelte 450 lbs. They just tryin' to sell something.
  4. CanefaninBuckeyeland

    JUCO 2024 Sione Laulea JUCO CB

    I thought I read that he is planning on enrolling in December