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  1. grover


    Brains shortened his calling sign. It used to be ****forBrains.
  2. grover


    Answer: Neither. Those are for speculators not investors.
  3. grover


    The story writes itself lol.
  4. grover


    Even a Hollywood writer wouldn't come up with this stuff. I read the article. At least it looks like the ex-wife and kids were victims and not involved in the actual scandal.
  5. grover


    Yeah, no lawyer. But in what universe are athletes considered anything but creditors in this case (similar to employees and suppliers)? Life Wallet has present and deferred liabilities that they owe to these athletes. I cannot fathom a situation where they get past payments clawed back for their...
  6. grover


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  7. grover


    IPOs and especially SPACs fail. SPACs in general are infamous for their speculative nature. I don't know enough about the GJ and legal actions here, but a lot of executives at a lot of firms have been sued by their investors. Other than Theranos and FTX, I don't know of many who were actually...
  8. grover


    Every joker and his first cousin have been raising money claiming Big Data sets, with AI based learning models. If the best of the best AI and software engineers aren't involved, you can be pretty confident that "Algorithm" = "Snake Oil". And even with ELITE mathematical brains running the...