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  1. SayWhat


    Kind of saw this coming, but I say kind of as I'm anything but a stock expert. Still, I wish he had succeeded and everyone involved with it down to the buyers made a nice chunk of change. I don't have to like a guy, I just don't like seeing failure. I don't get anything from that. If he took...
  2. SayWhat


    Oh, I understand that. I'd say he'd be lucky to get pennies on the dollar for those supposed assets. That's if he could get anything as he hasn't shown to be profitable yet.
  3. SayWhat


    If you believe LW is worth 3.4 billion, I don't know what to tell you. You missed the story. It's basically worthless at this point.
  4. SayWhat


    Is anyone really shocked? The SEC is on him. My prediction, they're going to nail him to a cross as an example.
  5. SayWhat


    Yes. Much bigger bark than bite in his case.
  6. SayWhat


    He's not? You're implying that there's multiple someone's dropping (reportedly) 10 mil into NIL deals a year? If that's the case, one would think it would eventually be out there. You know my stance, NIL is dressed up pay for play. Losing 10 mil a year though, that'd be a major dent in...