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  1. Highline17

    Ruiz potentially suing the NCAA….

    Can’t say I’m surprised, just have to be more wary of the “U” in graphics and decipher if we really in on them or not
  2. Highline17

    Ruiz potentially suing the NCAA….

    Trusted him not to directly get us violation and he didn’t (the violation was on Meier). Our players can take his money all they want, we aren’t involved in that
  3. Highline17

    Ruiz potentially suing the NCAA….

    Because it impacts the image of our NIL, and possibly the amount of funds from Ruiz. Also would require us to go more towards collective/ shadow model. Which could open us to more violations if Ruiz pays under the table. Ruiz already has a target on his back, but they can’t do anything against...
  4. Highline17

    Ruiz potentially suing the NCAA….

    The company isn’t a front, but Ruiz uses it as a front as he would’ve paid under the table if he didn’t run the company.
  5. Highline17

    Ruiz potentially suing the NCAA….

    I have a plan to even the playing field against Alabama and the bag schools, call the IRS
  6. Highline17

    Ruiz potentially suing the NCAA….

    Didn’t Ruiz donate money to the baseball program? Wouldn’t that kill his claim of “ I’m not a booster”
  7. Highline17

    Ruiz potentially suing the NCAA….

    This is Miami, this school is never gonna be quiet, in good graces of NCAA, out of the public eye. Give me Ruiz’s money, rather be rich than broke
  8. Highline17

    Ruiz potentially suing the NCAA….

    I love Ruiz being the harbinger of chaos. The more Chaos against the NCAA the better, there aren’t many more organization on earth i despise more than the NCAA