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  1. RVACane

    Official Spring PractiSe #2 - Tuesday 3/7

    There is no right to unrestricted free speech on CIS and we absolutely censor to protect advertising revenues as is our right to do so. There aren’t the same Public constitutional protections on a privately owned website which exist on a public street. There are websites which do let people...
  2. RVACane

    Official Spring PractiSe #2 - Tuesday 3/7

    It’s a mass amount of words straight off a google list. It’s ridiculous but we’re stuck with it. Just go into your profile and uncheck the box for the profanity filter.
  3. RVACane

    Official Spring PractiSe #2 - Tuesday 3/7
  4. RVACane

    Official Spring PractiSe #2 - Tuesday 3/7

    We know. It’s been reported. @Mackmiller974 is a troll stirring things up. This is now an official CIS police matter and the perpetrator is headed back to quarantine.
  5. RVACane

    Official Spring PractiSe #2 - Tuesday 3/7

    He’s either a troll or a ******* moron. There’s no in between and I’m leaning troll.
  6. RVACane

    Official Spring PractiSe #2 - Tuesday 3/7

    @TheOriginalCane , I thought Mario has Joe and Jason each listed as DL Coach???