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  1. ghost2

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    Like the infamous "Hester package" from the Coker years.
  2. ghost2

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    The problem I've always had with personnel-based packages is tipping the defense off based on who lines up. It would be nice to avoid the D just putting 11 in the box when Jacurri comes in if he's just gonna run zone-read. If we do develop packages for him I'd like to see some RPO, some...
  3. ghost2

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    You heard it here first folks! @Cribby says 15-0! We byke!!!!
  4. ghost2

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    I order those for takeout every Thrusday. Delicious.
  5. ghost2

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    Nah. Flew around though
  6. ghost2

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    That's the trouble with predicting this season. It's not like we were in close games last year like that one year with Manny where we could have been 8-4 or 4-8 if a couple bounces went the other way. We were God-awful in most of our losses. We could go 6-6 and still be a VASTLY better team.
  7. ghost2

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    I like it. Just an interesting twist with the DVD drama and Addae staying on and all that.
  8. ghost2

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    So Addae is CB coach? Guidry "helping" the safeties?
  9. ghost2

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    Man I remember that cautionary tale well. You said, IIRC, that we are paper thin and one injury away from big problems. And then TVD and half the team got hurt exposing Gattis for the fraud he is.
  10. ghost2

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    Oh this should end well lol