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  1. Bunker Mentality

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    @DMoney @RVACane can u put the Spring Schedule on a sticky thread? Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. March 4, 7, 9, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30 April 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13 and the spring-game finale. Spring break is Saturday, March 11 through Sunday, March 19.
  2. Bunker Mentality

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    The game would be easier for him and everyone else if he could get the ball out on time with accuracy, and that requires a lot of reps with high intensity. He has scary potential but needs to focus on developing reliable passing skills, b/c Dawson looks for accuracy first and foremost.
  3. Bunker Mentality

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    Yea, he better make the most of every rep during the spring for that muscle-memory to just let it fly when they go live. He needs to take the intensity up a notch or two and push himself.
  4. Bunker Mentality

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    yeah boi! that's what i'm talkin bout.
  5. Bunker Mentality

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    Not gonna overreact, but I hope Jacurri goes full speed and takes every single rep seriously in camp.
  6. Bunker Mentality

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    Yup, he was out there slingin it too.
  7. Bunker Mentality

    Official Spring PractiSe 1: Sat March 4

    real talk tho... this staff seems like they'll connect better than the crew last year and the scheme is obviously more appealing..