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  1. The canesman

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    Hallelujah praise the lord!
  2. The canesman

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    what jury would side with the playmaker? This is so ridiculous imo. Irvin would have to bring his pastor the church choir and his whole tearful family to court and he still wouldn’t win over the jury. On the other hand everything today is inappropriate. Social media is doing its job of eroding...
  3. The canesman

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    I guess it’s time for some tears and jesus
  4. The canesman

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    despite his past shenanigans he’s been given more opportunity than most. He knows better.