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  1. gogeta4

    2024 Michai Danzy 4* S/ATH from Tallahassee (Florida State Univ. School)

    In florida its always like that...we play spring ball...n spring ball n track szn coincides. I always tried to cheat on the start of spring ball conditioning by being on the track team and throwing idscuss n shotput ...until the fb coach came out there n made us run lmaooo
  2. gogeta4

    2024 Michai Danzy 4* S/ATH from Tallahassee (Florida State Univ. School)

    i like saving a spot for this kid if Hawkins isnt a go as an athlete.
  3. gogeta4

    2024 Michai Danzy 4* S/ATH from Tallahassee (Florida State Univ. School)

    Needs to be a corner recruit and hip to hip with DVD who was a track guy throughout his life. Let him know that DVD played football and ran track at UM.****-3/DVD TRACK