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  1. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

  2. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

  3. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

  4. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    This guy again... We're going to have to put you in solitary this time
  5. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

  6. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    Narrator: In fact, he did not get the point.
  7. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    See, the definition of a word doesn't always do it justice. The application of the word really drives the point home, though. Or is it ponded the point over and over until climax at a nice resort in a picturesque beach town? Now I'm confused.
  8. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    That's cool. But it's less about right or wrong and more about being on a message board using an analogy to see a different side to your opinion or argument.
  9. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    Thank you for understanding the simple point I was getting at.
  10. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    Again, are you being dense or intentionally obtuse? Obtuse: lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect : INSENSITIVE, STUPID
  11. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    Agreed on how that should be handled because as much as @Mackmiller974 comes across as... let's call it obtuse (no offense to him), he does not seem to be intentionally doing it or at least unbelievably so. I am sure many of us know a real-life Mack, so it is quite mild, even if he is trolling...
  12. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    You don't know this you're assuming this. And, thanks for googling the definition of cold feet. If you still don't understand the differences you're either dense or being intentionally obtuse. NFL is always (at least for the vast majority of coaches and do not argue the exceptions to the...
  13. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    I get what you're saying but I disagree. In option B, we are talking about picking between two different deals that are better than the one the person is currently in. Cold feet usually implies maintaining the status quo and risk aversion. You wouldn't say someone got cold feet because they...
  14. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    Let's do a thought exercise. We'll use two examples using the same theoretical person. A.) A WR coach that works for a professional football team, the San Diego 58ers is offered a job as a WR coach at his alma mater, the University of South Beach. This would mean making more money; however, it...
  15. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

  16. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    People were conflating poRsters and trolls. Therefore the trolls won. They should be two separate categories.
  17. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

  18. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

  19. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates

    I look forward to the "I told you so" post an/or thread giving yourself your justified self-congratulations. Please remind us when Mario does hire someone. And if you could, make it as brash as possible.
  20. JamesQuall

    WR Coach Candidates
