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  1. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    Not sure how being offered more money than he was making plus additional assurances to help advance his career could be mistaken as getting "cold feet"? Those weren't there before he was offered our job. On the money part, maybe we could've. But we could never match the assurances of continued...
  2. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    I'm not high on the KB hire, but would absolutely love to be proven wrong. Same as I've always been when it comes to our beloved program. Tired of being right more often than not.
  3. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    So is this but I'm not quite ready to celebrate it:
  4. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    This staff is going to be a stark contrast to the last one. Hoping it leads to a similar contrast on the field.
  5. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

  6. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    I'd love to see the power move previously mentioned of bringing on the W&M OC as WRC/PGC. Provided Dawson is onboard, of course.
  7. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    Heard he's ducking things...
  8. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

  9. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

  10. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

  11. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    Oh crap! How'd I miss that?! :****:
  12. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    Who dis?
  13. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    Think I read most bigger programs have gone away from having on-field STC's.
  14. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    Gotcha. I wouldn't have been keen seeing Fields being moved off-field or gone altogether either. I'm still holding out hope that Coley could be the new WRC/Asst. something title. At this point in his career, he needs a fresh start if wants to jump start it again. Hanging out w/ Jimbo till the...
  15. Caned Peach

    WR Coach Candidates

    Not a groupie but do feel he would be an asset for us should he be hired. What happened?