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  1. scane

    Louisville at Miami

    @jkdood was this Sir B telling me to shut up?
  2. scane

    Louisville at Miami

    Such massive flopping by Louisville tonight
  3. scane

    Louisville at Miami

    You’re welcome
  4. scane

    Louisville at Miami

    How did Omier end up with only two fouls in a massively over officiated game?!
  5. scane

    Louisville at Miami

    Bad back era free throws from Sir B Not quite putting them away
  6. scane

    Louisville at Miami

    Feels like Bensley and Beverly trade off being the bench difference maker. Definitely Bensley so far.
  7. scane

    Louisville at Miami

    Two different teams with and without Omier on the court tonight. Have to see the Louisville has put up more fight than Duke ever did
  8. scane

    Louisville at Miami

    Big fan of this fast start thing we’re trying this week
  9. scane

    Louisville at Miami

    The $13 sections look particularly full