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  1. Cryptical Envelopment

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    Really? He can't post a picture of his family without it being some sort of race-based caper? He didn't let everyone know he has a black wife. He didn't post a picture of his black wife. He didn't make any sort of race-related point. The man posted a picture of him and his wife, on their way...
  2. Cryptical Envelopment

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    FYI I completely disagree about letting a coordinator have carte blanche with his staff, btw. You let him have input, and you give input, you collaborate, and of course you don't get in his way with silliness, but you absolutely under no circumstances turn over half the coaching staff decisions...
  3. Cryptical Envelopment

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    Thought bubble... Guidry is a DB coach. Does this free up Mario to drop Addae and promote DVD? DVD would be able to be a fully on-the-road recruiting savage while Guidry holds his hand with the DB's. Would obviously also mean that Guidry wouldn't have the burden of a full position coach as he'd...
  4. Cryptical Envelopment

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    A little birdie is telling me Ed Figueroa is replacing Strong at LB, and **** Tidrow will coach the DBs. Addae is out. Jim Hunter rumored to replace the DE coach.
  5. Cryptical Envelopment

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    Google Cane has it.