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  1. Bender

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    Staff-wise, I'd promote DVD and let him work under Guidry to master his craft, because Guidry is one of the best in that department. Taylor gets a promotion to D-Line, Strong keeps his role, Addae ***** off and we keep Rod Wright.
  2. Bender

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    For the record, Marshall had one of the worst offenses in college football. The fact that this defense played so well statistically is insane.
  3. Bender

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    well uh... i got ab+
  4. Bender

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    Good to see you again, my friend.
  5. Bender

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    8th in D-Line ranking, 15th in DFEI, 10th in DF+. Thats the kinda hire I expect.
  6. Bender

    Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

    I told y'all. Doesn't matter who we hire. People will *****.