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  1. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    Re: Applewhite . . . I understand he's not a "hot" commodity any longer. Go back a few years and this board would have jumped up and down with the hire. However, the problem is when you hire a hot commodity, typically they tend to be folks with lesser experience/history (see, for example, Brady...
  2. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    It's not that I want him to be the guy. It's just the only thing that would make sense to me. But, anyways, I haven't been tracking this, how sure are we that Johnson is getting the OC gig if the OC goes to the Colts?
  3. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    I am going with Brian Johnson. It's the only thing that makes sense time-wise to me. I just can't wrap my head around any other explanation for the delay. If Johnson is in fact the selection, the mods should create a thread where everyone has to apologize to Mario by self-reporting their most...
  4. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    No clue. Not a name I'd ever heard; although, I should have remembered his name because he played for a conference rival. Young (under 40). Coached under a coach Mario is familiar with, so I'm sure Mario can vet him quite quickly with a call.
  5. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    I saw Coach Guidry today on campus with a current linebacker coach at another school. The only reason I identified the guy was because he had a name tag on his backpack, otherwise I’d have no idea. Out of respect for his current employer-in case he’s just interviewing-I won’t say his name but at...
  6. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    It might be a pipe dream, but it's the only thing that would make sense timeline-wise, i.e., a deal has been done but announcement held up pending conclusion of the season.
  7. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    I think there's extra frustration around these parts because there are no leaks whatsoever from Miami's side. At least in the past, there were leaks and we all could make our assessments of candidates as rumors swirled (as if it matters). But the apparent lockdown makes it seem as if nothing is...
  8. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    I question the veracity of these rumors/reports. For all we know, schools reached out and he said no and it gets reported that there is much more to the story other than a polite decline. Anything is possible I guess, but I have to imagine that Candle has to consider Toledo and not leaving them...
  9. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    This Candle thing sounds more unlikely each day. If their spring schedule is like ours, he's 4 weeks away from camp. If he was truly interested in leaving a HC gig for an OC gig (either here or elsewhere), he would have made that decision by now so as to not leave Toledo scrambling at the last...
  10. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    Yeah, you watch Brian Johnson is the guy, but he gets a DUI celebrating Sunday night and it sends Mario back into the bunker for another month to deliberate:p
  11. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    Sure, but that's why I mentioned earlier I saw Gattis recruiting in late December IIRC. So that lends credence that whatever off-field stuff happened, it didn't come out until January. And I'm just venting here and I understand all the potential reasons, but it's like, why would he still be...
  12. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    Agreed. But then why not just do it come November 26? If it's being suggested that the firing was drawn out because of some internal investigation/process that had to be carried out then that's separate from performance (and if true, not too pleasing that he'd still have a job months after...
  13. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    Ah. Appreciate that. So, does that mean Mario had no intention to fire him for his performance and was forced to fire him for alleged off-field reasons? Because if you're going to fire him for performance, naturally you do that right after season concludes.
  14. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    I saw with mine two eyes Gattis during the winter break driving around recruits during a big recruiting weekend. Let's say all this "for cause" stuff is true and an investigation or process had to play out. If true, wouldn't he be temporarily suspended from team activities while that process is...
  15. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    Is a university employee entitled to an actual hearing?
  16. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    /not an employment lawyer The alleged "for cause" thing doesn't quite make sense timeline-wise. If Gattis did in fact do something that warranted being fired "for cause," wouldn't that have made it easier to terminate him promptly because there is a basis for firing, which usually results in a...
  17. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    The funny part of all this is, with all the natural turnover in the coaching ranks, if you get a coordinator that lasts 2 years you're lucky. Mario has spent like 3 months due diligence on a hire that might not even last beyond a year. Mario must think this is a lifetime position!
  18. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    They don't owe us-the hardcore fans-anything. Short of us dying to know, this doesn't affect anyone outside of the diehards on this board. This isn't a matter of public concern.
  19. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    I'm not justifying or defending-and I've been critical myself-but understand that there isn't a whole lot of urgency at the moment. I would have preferred a splash hire in place for recruiting back in December myself, but that window has been gone for a while now. Spring ball starts March 4 so...
  20. AlexCane

    Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

    I'm joking, brother. I'm not saying it's going to happen; just that it would make sense in retrospect.