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  1. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    All good. You made a clear O'Bannon reference earlier. It's been a long and winding road to get here (lawsuits and appellate court cases)...
  2. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    The Supreme Court case wasn't about NIL (it was about academic achievement awards), but it set the stage for the NCAA to roll over and do nothing. The Supreme Court articulated a balancing test (when the NCAA could and could not legislate against something) that could have eventually been...
  3. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    Yep. That 75-80% really know how to keep it real...
  4. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    There are lots of "not-for-profit" organizations, but that doesn't mean they can't make money. Just that they can't pay it out in divididends to shareholders. It's all a big game anyhow. The NFL "gave up" its not-for-profit status SO THEY WOULDN'T HAVE TO DISCLOSE EXECUTIVE SALARIES. Look at...
  5. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    You are wrong, sir... The NCAA just set up a tipline, it's 1-800-NIL-RATS. Pretty soon, they're going to have 130 active cases...
  6. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    Yup. Just like this magical NCAA investigation of Miami on the NIL issue...
  7. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    Might be the worst "read the room" team on the planet...
  8. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    This is the key bit. I've openly mocked "I like beer"'s one-man concurrence, because it wasn't well-reasoned or well-written (and he could give a **** about people making fair wages), but the fact that all 9 could sign onto "hey, we like our balancing test, and we think we could take our...
  9. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    Would I have to move to Kansas City?
  10. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    Correct. I think this is more "burden of production". The good ol' "rebuttable presumption". Bringing back some law school memories... And I do Tax Law work, so I'm DEFINITELY familiar with the IRS "presuming" things... :ROFLMAO:
  11. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    I might be TOO Miami for the ACC. Look, I get that not everyone on this board is always gonna like me or the things I say. But is there any doubt how much I love my alma mater, and how hard I will fight anyone who tries to crap on UM or its sports teams?
  12. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    Biggest misunderstood concepts on CIS (or any internet board, for that matter): 1. First Amendment/Freedom of Speech 2. Circumstantial evidence 3. Hearsay evidence 4. Civil vs. criminal standards of proof 5. Three branches of government, separation of powers, checks & balances 6. Human...
  13. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    Yup, yup, and yup. In fact, Alston was a unanimous decision, which is RARE given the distinctions on the current Supreme Court.
  14. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    Pretty accurate. While Alston was not an NIL case, the NCAA capitulated on NIL shortly after the ruling was announced. And, yes, the NCAA is only changing the "burden of production" standard, and setting up a presumption. I'm curious to see if this results in an AVALANCHE of investigation and...
  15. TheOriginalCane

    NCAA Imposing Much Stricter NIL Rules

    I know he meant to use the word "defaulted", but this is sooooo much better...