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  1. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    This was supposed to be a PM to whoop, my bad
  2. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    Well that sucked. Thought about working in a Gattis got fired too but held off (not really). Gattis got fired. Yay. Come on home, Weirdo Dan.
  3. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    I'm not going to lie. I bluffed my lingo. It's either $100 or $1000. I can't remember. I was offering 1k. The only reason I never went premium is bc it felt like paying for the verified twitter blue check. I'm a man of the people. I want to poRst with the poors.
  4. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    @DMoney if I have to see your face one more time today with these popups I'm going to lose my mind. I'll pay the money. Take it all. C note. Whatever. Just make it stop.
  5. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    Between that and snubbing his nose at us a million times, it's a pass for me. Your points are valid though.
  6. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    In the snow? By a running back?
  7. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    I'm fine with a made-up title plus whatever his actual job is (WR or QB). ¡Dale!
  8. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    I'm firing a lady in my office today. That's why I'm on here, dragging it out. Blind sided. It's going to suck. Nice lady. Awful at her job.
  9. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    I took it as trolling. I also took Roman as the former contributor and not Greg Roman (lol) so maybe he wasn't. Lawd I hope Chud isn't a real option. Arroyo can't be anything more than a WR coach.
  10. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    No. It was handled wrong. That much I can guarantee. Everything in life is hindsight though. Just glad it's over.
  11. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    My opinion of course.
  12. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    ** More than 4 months since Mid Tennessee State game**
  13. L A M P

    Official Gattis Fired!!

    Man I'm soooooooo late to the party....:6fps6: