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  1. miamicanephins

    *** 2022 NYSOM CiS End of Year Awards - PoRster OF THE YEAR ***

    Wow!! The voting was incredibly close, certainly within the statistical margin of error. All the nominees should be so proud.
  2. miamicanephins

    *** 2022 NYSOM CiS End of Year Awards - PoRster OF THE YEAR ***

    We got us a poRst off, brilliant!! #porstforthegold #porstersarespecial
  3. miamicanephins

    *** 2022 NYSOM CiS End of Year Awards - PoRster OF THE YEAR ***

    It seems Mac bammer is claiming some sort of foul play, possibly a Russian bot, a run off maybe necessary. We must have integrity with our elections. #thisistooimportant
  4. miamicanephins

    *** 2022 NYSOM CiS End of Year Awards - PoRster OF THE YEAR ***

    Doesn't seem fair to limit this prestigious award to just one individual. This is a hard one. If I could split my vote, I go Mac bammer and hydro69s,