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  1. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    I can tell you PLENTY of jobs in the real world that pay quite a lot, and keep you on for 6 or 8 weeks, even if you had bad performance. Most large companies don't walk in and fire C-level executives without giving them a couple of months to move on. It's actually pretty standard, there are a...
  2. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    You had a typo. I fixed it.
  3. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    He just needs about three criticisms and four attempts, but he's capable of providing good/reasonable takes when given enough time...
  4. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    How about you go out and try to find another job after being fired (and acknowledging that firing in your job application and/or interview, if you can get one), and then you can tell us if there is a difference.
  5. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    Look, Mack, if you want a definition of your cluelessness...look no farther than your poor memory and descriptions of what you did wrong. You just said "you asked a question" about whether this model would work, but your porst clearly stats that you think "this model would work here". Just as...
  6. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    Yessir, agreed. I truly DO understand the concern people have that "letting guys find a landing spot" is taking so long (6 or 7 or 8 weeks, depending on how it is measured). The only problem we seem to have is civil discourse on this subject. The moment you point out WHAT MARIO IS DOING, you...
  7. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    Don't let it (your absence) happen again. You have a LOOOOOTTTTTT of Gaytor Tears to catch up on...
  8. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    Are we playing Ohio Taint next year?
  9. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    At least Smith fought with Gattis. That's got to count for something.
  10. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    His mortgage is only $1.8 million, though.
  11. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    Gimmick infringement. Injunction is in the mail...
  12. TheOriginalCane

    🚨 BREAKING NEWS - Ponce back to App State 🚨

    Second shoe coming soon...