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  1. Confidence1000

    *2022 END OF YEAR AWARDS.... Most Likely Tandem to end up in the Gimps Basement

    Hold on! Ain’t nobody sticking no vote or nuthin else in nobody ! But Scott wanna holla at Cha anyway Hey yo! Hit the button
  2. Confidence1000

    *2022 END OF YEAR AWARDS.... Most Likely Tandem to end up in the Gimps Basement

    I’m laughing bc it’s funny but please hit the button
  3. Confidence1000

    *2022 END OF YEAR AWARDS.... Most Likely Tandem to end up in the Gimps Basement

    Bc most don’t like ur dawg & Dey don’t like my PAUSE game. But “It’s kool when they do it. It’s a problem when I do it. **** EM!” 💪🏾