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  1. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Easy to say that when it’s not your money. Air is going to sit on the bench for at least a year, most likely 2. If I am a business, how much $ would I be willing to pay for a guy who may not see the field right away and there is no guarantee he will be any good. My understanding is Miami going...
  2. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    OSU missed on other QB’s, I believe; therefore, they prioritized bringing Air in and possibly overspent to get him because our offer was solid. Every program has a budget and prioritizes positions differently. Ask A&M if they are getting value for their buck. Miami is not going to over spend in...
  3. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Fair. I still think Mario will be fine. Recruiting won’t be a problem with Mario and our resources. I expect us to win more of these battles in 2-3 years.
  4. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Year 2 is a make or break for Mario and his offense for recruiting? Lol. C’mon.
  5. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Everyone has budgets. Priorities are different for every program. Sometimes, out of desperation, teams will over pay for certain players. The question becomes, if OSU is throwing the bank at him then will Miami meet or exceed their proposal? Is it worth it? We shall see.
  6. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Hard to compete with a program that has been run like an NFL team for decades and runs an elite offense like that. That being said, this is more to do with NIL from my understanding.
  7. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Is it a reflection on Mario or is OSU the highest bidder?
  8. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    This kid’s recruitment will not end on Saturday.
  9. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    But threw passes so hard WR’s struggled catching 10 yard passes from him.
  10. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Perhaps he is going to OSU. Perhaps these are strategic comments after last visit to get bidders to raise their proposals.
  11. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    How can you predict the QB room will be worse in year 3? We have literally 0 public commits for the 24’ class and portal will be an option. How about we wait and see what direction we go with before coming to any conclusions?
  12. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Rashada didn’t sign with Miami due to NIL lies from Florida. That doesn’t happen (nothing to do with Mario) then you have 2 blue chip QB’s in 23’ class. Emory was in the Elite 11 and performed incredibly well. Mario didn’t think it was necessary to ho after another prospect QB and Emory is...
  13. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Where did I say you shouldn’t be ****ed off about 5-7? Criticism of Mario’s decision’s last year are well deserved. We had zero business losing several games the way we did. However, people do not want to accept Mario inherited ****. This wasn’t going to be a quick fix, especially with the...
  14. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Some people want to kill Mario because their timeline expectations of fixing this program is a bit unrealistic. The portal absolutely helps but you can’t turn a program around in one or two offseasons. Look, at MSU, they were exception but that only lasted one season. Majority of programs do not...
  15. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Not sure you’re aware or not but Emory had been looking pretty freaking good. You’re acting like we settled for a low tier prospect. You’re also acting like we lost Air already. Lol
  16. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    Should be a good week, fellas. Let’s enjoy.
  17. Hurracanes

    2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

    What makes you think that isn’t the case?