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  1. Applecane

    Smart is Smart

    Well, he hired the guys in the box…
  2. Applecane

    Smart is Smart

    Well, Smart hired the guy in the booth..
  3. Applecane

    Smart is Smart

    But recruiting a s*** ton of talent is a pretty good strength, no? Doesn’t deserve to be demeaned. Richt recruited well at Georgia but never came very close to winning a NC. If using the Bammer formula guarantees wins, why haven’t SarkesIan or Kiffen reached the playoffs? I just look at results...
  4. Applecane

    Smart is Smart

    Attention to details. Awareness. Late in the game, OSU faked a punt and got a first down to keep a drive alive. But wait…1/2 second before the snap Smart saw OSU lined up for a fake, went a little nuts and called timeout Just in time, No first down. OSU punted for real and Ga. Got the ball...