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  1. Canesnetwork

    UA/USAA practices

    If it was a grade or credit issue, he wouldn't be 'signing' on January 15th and enrolling a few days later. And I find it hard to believe he only found out he didn't have enough credits a few hours before signing
  2. Canesnetwork

    UA/USAA practices

    But I dont think you understand that grades didn't prevent him from signing with Miami. Do you really think his grades all of a sudden got better since early signing day? He has probably only been in school three days since NSD( 22nd, yesterday and today). If he grades were that bad, he would...
  3. Canesnetwork

    UA/USAA practices

    Even if it was a grade issue, why didnt he still sign at Miami?
  4. Canesnetwork

    UA/USAA practices

    Even if it was a grades issue, he still could has signed a few weeks ago.
  5. Canesnetwork

    UA/USAA practices

    This is another reason why I don't think he is coming to Miami. Grades has nothing to do with it. I don't understand why instead of trolling us, he couldn't have just come out and say he is looking at other options.
  6. Canesnetwork

    UA/USAA practices

    I'm confused how this is a grade issue? I find it hard to believe that the day before signing day, he realized that he didnt have the grades to sign early with Miami. And then two weeks later, he suddenly now has to grades to potentially enroll early. To me, it's pretty obvious he isn't coming...