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  1. bobbydigius

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    That class had multiple issues. It did in fact have a bunch of top tier talent but the bottom half wasn’t even G5 worthy was the first issue. It should have been a 16-18 person class. Some of the reaches were beyond reaches. Then as you stated there was no balance. Also this was the beginning...
  2. bobbydigius

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    Who are all these 5 stars? We only signed 3 in the last 8 years previous to this class…
  3. bobbydigius

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    I get most of my pleasure in sports from Miami being great, and it’s been a long time so, I want it even more.
  4. bobbydigius

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    At this point we are so far past kicking in our rivals’ teeth in, I just want to stack elite talent.
  5. bobbydigius

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    I think he meant another OL which would probably be Cohen or another 5 star which is??????
  6. bobbydigius

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    Chad Thomas
  7. bobbydigius

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    This has to be the GOAT class for a .500 or sub team ever though.