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  1. Rellyrell

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    There’s nothing about this that’s a hold; his hands are inside of the pad level, not outside, & he’s driving him. If Jobe out leveraged him & Samson had to grab outside of his pads, his arms, or his neck to prevent him to getting to the target, then that would’ve been a hold. Clearly Samson is...
  2. Rellyrell

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    I stay away from that site. Lol. Crazy seeing the origin of some of the most infamous hip hop beat. IG have a page where they break apart blended samples to make a beat. Crazy
  3. Rellyrell

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    Francis Cormani Samson
  4. Rellyrell

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    “Technically” w/o hindsight being 20/20 & knowing what we know today, the 2008 class was #1 overall, after a 5-7 2007 season. But, of course if 247 had the updated parameters as they do now, that 2008 class would most like be a top 10 class vs. a top 3 or better yet, #1. What’s going today is...
  5. Rellyrell

    Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

    Ya’ll can sleep easy now, & for the nay sayers stating, “But, but, but 5-7 & our class is fck’d bro. No one wants to come here, bro. Why would a kid wanna play here, bro”, go sit the fck down & take a nap. Don’t wanna see nan one of ya’ll in here celebrating.