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  1. SFbayCane

    Isaac Teslaa

  2. SFbayCane

    Isaac Teslaa

    Yeah that was my guess as well. My implied point is that she might be more likely to transfer back to Florida than to Iowa, assuming their relationship is a long term thing. Im not afraid to grasp at straws, ya know. lol
  3. SFbayCane

    Isaac Teslaa

    Dude's girlfriend lives in Stuart. :11263323514-39174f1fca-o:
  4. SFbayCane

    Isaac Teslaa

    This thread...
  5. SFbayCane

    Isaac Teslaa

    Also worth noting - He'll be 22 years old when he suits up next fall.
  6. SFbayCane

    Isaac Teslaa

    Five pages of clown comparisons aside... This kid makes Division 2 DB's look like middle schoolers. The size is there, the athleticism is clearly there. The speed can be verified. He's just finished his true junior year but with the Covid year exemption he should have two to play two.