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  1. Atom Atlas

    Rooster to SMU?

    ... Cept this happened...
  2. Atom Atlas

    Rooster to SMU?

    Every year it's the same story when " Someone's favorite player" leaves... And then by the middle of the following season people forget he was ever here...
  3. Atom Atlas

    Rooster to SMU?

    .... 🤣🤣
  4. Atom Atlas

    Rooster to SMU?

    I agree with that...Dudes skipping college and going pro and stuff of the like killed my CBB vibe.... You'll never see something like the fab 5 ever again or the Duke teams of the early 90's and others that fit that mold... And Yes NC had Monster teams as well... Sorry bout the Duke...
  5. Atom Atlas

    Rooster to SMU?

    Not sure if it was best offer or offer that the players themselves are just more familiar with... Maybe they just feel with Lash they'll see the field in more prominent roles...
  6. Atom Atlas

    Rooster to SMU?

    For real.....
  7. Atom Atlas

    Rooster to SMU?

    If I'm right we're already past fingers and toes.... No??? LOL!!!
  8. Atom Atlas

    Rooster to SMU?

    By the start of spring camp most here will have long forgotten everyone that's portal'd out of here....