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  1. Savage Cane

    The transfer Portal and Graduation

    Personally, what I’m saying is essentially a two pronged pov on modern “ amateur “ athletics. 1. Millennials or whatever iteration this generation is called ( angry Grampy incoming 🤦🏻‍♂️ ) are marshmallows across the board for a myriad of different reasons not all of them bad. When you couple...
  2. Savage Cane

    The transfer Portal and Graduation

    Your lips to God’s ears WF I pray I’m completely off base, and these coddled young men are model students + members of their communities. For every Demetrius Jackson there’s a dozen coulda, shoulda, wouldas floating around like lost sheep. Like I said, I pray i’m over simplifying a very...
  3. Savage Cane

    The transfer Portal and Graduation

    Not Applicable If student A. is a D1 caliber football or basketball athlete, than student A. AIN’T no student in 99.8% of the cases ( outside of Ivy League & Military Academies ) . It’s criminal ( justice; ) , but these young men are trading their futures ( & future earning potential ) for...