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  1. Cane6

    Longo hired as OC - Wisconsin

  2. Cane6

    Longo hired as OC - Wisconsin

    Locksley ain’t doing Gattis any favors
  3. Cane6

    Longo hired as OC - Wisconsin

    I’m not saying the sky is falling. I feel confident that progress is being made But I also do t think it’s accurate to simply say a new OC isn’t in place because said candidate’s current team has a bowl game. Lots of coordinators in bowl games already moving, such as Longo
  4. Cane6

    Longo hired as OC - Wisconsin

    What stings the most is that I live in Madison WI. Gonna have to watch them score 35+ each game with a creative but balanced offense that develops QBs….
  5. Cane6

    Longo hired as OC - Wisconsin

    1. Fuq all you clowns for giving me crap saying he’d never leave UNC 2. Mario better knock this out of the park after missing out on Longo