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  1. RVACane

    Active player recruiting against us?

    @cway313 please let me know if it can stay locked?
  2. RVACane

    Active player recruiting against us?

    I agree with what your saying and it’s kind of the point. SouthPark I believe asked about a friend reaching out and that’s what I was commenting on. We don’t know if it’s that type of situation or the version of what you raised which would be no bueno for me too.
  3. RVACane

    Active player recruiting against us?

    If I work at a place that sucks and a friend I grew up with is considering taking a job there and asks me how it is, I’m telling him what my experience has been.
  4. RVACane

    Active player recruiting against us?

    I don’t know one way or the other but speculating on who it is In an open forum without absolute certainty is troublesome. People subsequently act out in a variety of concerning ways.
  5. RVACane

    Active player recruiting against us?

    I mean it’s an interesting category. @djnellz @PIPO
  6. RVACane

    Active player recruiting against us?

    Lol. I’m the popo 👮‍♂️ though. 💁🏻‍♂️
  7. RVACane

    Active player recruiting against us?
