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  1. R

    Lane Train

    Lol I will take that L with pleasure
  2. R

    Lane Train

    Lol some of y’all are real funny with the argument that he may be gone in 4 years looking for upward mobility. According to that logic we should not have hired Schnelly (bounced after 5 for a promised pro gig), JJ (gone after 5 to the NFL), DE (gone after 4 with 2 Nattys to the NFL). Even Butch...
  3. R

    Lane Train

    Lol @ sabotage the program. Mario is doing a fine job at that currently. He needs to get out of his own way and do what he does best (recruit).
  4. R

    Lane Train

    He’s holding most scholarships for the portal. last year he finished second behind USC in portal rankings. Still beat out Mario for Chris Johnson
  5. R

    Lane Train

    Don’t forget the Jr and Sr got a free pass to transfer
  6. R

    Lane Train

    Don't forget he was under sanctions at USC. One of the reasons we got Seantrel Henderson. He had scholarship restrictions and Jr and Sr got a free pass to transfer.
  7. R

    Lane Train

    Lol Chris Johnson Jr says hello. Lane beat Mario for him
  8. R

    Lane Train

    Oh here we go with that false narrative again of he can't recruit lol
  9. R

    Lane Train

    Lol people complain about Lane's personal problems and you want to hire Freeze lol that's like going from the frying pan into the fire. If he was having that much "fun" in Tampa just think about him in Miami lol
  10. R

    Lane Train

    Exactly. Last year Mario was taking Lane's scraps at RB and all Lane did was get a beast of a freshman rb and former 5 star rb Zach Evans