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  1. Atom Atlas

    First good game of the year

    Correct... remember he committed like a day or two before Manny was let go officially.... Wasn't really a big secret that "Info" was relayed to him that Manny was a goner...
  2. Atom Atlas

    First good game of the year

    It will be tougher to run against a faster D like Clemson.... Not saying the Canes can't do it but they'll have to incorporate various wrinkles to be effective which I'm not sold Mario and Gattis are capable of... but hopefully they figure it out.... As I said in another post I'm happy for the...
  3. Atom Atlas

    First good game of the year

    Agreed.... I'm always happy for a win... it's good to get some good feelings going around.... But it is GT and they are terrible so I don't wanna go overboard about things.... Next week against Clemson will be a really tough game.... Believe me I would love nothing more than to see us play as...