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  1. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    @No_Fly_Zone 👀
  2. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    Aye man.... I know you're internet mad, but maybe you need to take an internet nap and chill on the internet for a little bit. P.S. Calling @Cribby a fake insider because you're mad draws the ire of the maudes. And kinda makes you look like a fool, because then the entire board will come with...
  3. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

  4. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    This thread is delivering @hoops156 @Canes2617 @WanderFranco And you know me... I be like