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  1. Canesnetwork

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    I would love Gilday. He has a great resume and his scheme has worked everywhere he has been
  2. Canesnetwork

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    I am not disagreeing with you. Mario took his sweet time to pick "his guys", and we lost out on some key portal guys. Also in this scenario, I believe Mario was banking on having a healthy Chaney, Citizen and would have 2021 Knighton to go along with Parish. Options post spring are normally...
  3. Canesnetwork

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    Mario took a while to bring in his staff, which didn't allow him to fully take advantage of the portal
  4. Canesnetwork

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    Keep preaching this. This team will look completely different when we get the bad seeds out of here and bring in players that want to be great
  5. Canesnetwork

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    I mean maybe because he only go here a few months ago.... At the end of the season, we will hope to see him make the necessary adjustments
  6. Canesnetwork

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    Idk how you can say he is incompetent when he hasn't even been here a year. Mario always says the right things. You can clearly see how passionate he is about this program and I am confident he will do everything he can to make the necessary adjustments.