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  1. 423Hurricane

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    I’d say it’s a combination of culture shock, new schemes on both sides of the ball, and coaching - not necessarily in that order. We all see the same things you outlined here with the roster and the things that have taken place game days. My main point of emphasis is speculation, opinion, and...
  2. 423Hurricane

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    I haven’t been one of those saying a complete turnaround. To expect even a marginal improvement is not unrealistic. What I am saying is speculating as to why we’re seeing the **** we’re seeing is conjecture at best. No one knows why except the people involved on a minute by minute basis.
  3. 423Hurricane

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    Read my post again. I specifically stated I was NOT defending Mario’s results to this point. Again, most of what you’re basing your opinions on is conjecture, speculation and 2nd, 3rd hand knowledge as do even the “insiders” on this site. No one can argue that the **** we’ve seen on the...
  4. 423Hurricane

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    Serious question. When was the last time you had a sit down heart to heart talk with Mario? Any of the coaches? Any of the players? You make a lot of assumptions based on what first hand knowledge? I get it. You’re ****ed about what you see on the field. You’re far from the Lone Ranger...
  5. 423Hurricane

    Mario on Joe Rose 11/7

    Throw your current coaches and players under the bus and see how that helps with future hirings and recruiting. Proof positive of the “what have you done for me lately” instant gratification society many of us must tolerate.