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  1. Bigdaddycane44

    Blake Baker receives contract extension at Missouri

    It really was a solid year. 8 wins, 7 against P5 opponents which matches 2017. If we got our FCS wimp and another game against a G5 opponent, we’d have easily won 10 games.
  2. Bigdaddycane44

    Blake Baker receives contract extension at Missouri

    I thought his defense was fine for the most part with the exception of 2020, mostly just the UNC game. Not going to throw out the COVID-19 excuse but that definitely made things difficult for defenses and preparation. Still no excuse for the most pathetic defensive performance ever witnessed at...
  3. Bigdaddycane44

    Blake Baker receives contract extension at Missouri

    In Richt’s defense, it seems like he’s really going through some serious health problems and I imagine this impacted his decision to abruptly retire at the end of the 2018 season.
  4. Bigdaddycane44

    Blake Baker receives contract extension at Missouri

    For every Baker, there’s a Mark D’nonfrio, Dan Enos, and a Josh Gattis. No head coach at UM over the last 20+ years has gone on to do anything bigger than what they did at UM. Coker? A brief stint at UTSA before termination. Randy? A decent DC who’s bounced around the entire state of Florida...