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  1. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    I would rather read somebody talk about jumping off a roof because they think we're hiring Arroyo 100 times in a row than having to sift through all this off topic BS.
  2. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    That's good because you need to be 5 to understand it.
  3. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    You should all go back and read the threads when Gattis was hired.
  4. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    It just goes to show you the local media's priorities. They're clearly breaking stories for people that ask, for whatever incentive that provides.
  5. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    He also mocked the people reporting that news.
  6. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    People who know things here are suggesting the deal is nearing a close. They would have enough information to know who it's not. Don't know why you're all freaking out.
  7. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Doesn't Candle run a spread? Even though I know they run the ball a lot it seems pretty different from Gattis. I remember when we played them they threw the ball all over the field.
  8. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Meanwhile, God....
  9. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Gattis was hired on Feb 6th. Who wants to take bets on the over and under?
  10. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    His reaction is why people pay for that site. Good or bad if the content makes you react you're going to see value.
  11. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Checks top rated thread of the past week on CIS: "Is Happiness in Sports An Illusion"
  12. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    I honestly think it comes down to people not knowing how to communicate in positive situations. If things are going well they don't know how to respond, or feel it's not their strong suit. If things go poorly they're fluent in that language.
  13. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Guy gets "linked" to OC jobs and his current team promotes him to OC. Tale as old as time.
  14. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    My biggest fear is the defense plays poorly again this year and we have to go through this all over again with a DC hire.
  15. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    It's weird because it doesn't actually measure anything. If you're a team that goes crazy fast and throws the ball all the time you can have 10 possessions in 14 minutes. If you score two TD's you're at 1 PPM. But you punted on 8 possessions. If the other team took the remaining 45 minutes and...
  16. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    There's discussion and then there's pages of , "If it's Arroyo I'm gonna jump off my roof!!!!" Did you think being a sports fan was about what's happening on the field? It's The Real Housewives of Miami packaged for men. It's about the drama.
  17. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Anytime someone gets promoted from within and there's reporting about how desirable that person is on the outside.... Look, Mario does himself no favors because of how he drags this out. I think it creates an environment where a lot of ancillary nonsense can exist. It's fine if you hit on your...
  18. H

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Why would Miami tell the receivers that Brian Hartline was also recruiting that Brian Hartline was going to be the OC? Wouldn't you assume they'd just go ask Hartline themselves if that's true? That whole thing doesn't make any sense.