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  1. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    That's fair. I never thought Hetfield was a hood singer but somehow the band made it work somehow. Your list is good though.
  2. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Hard for me to have a best metal band list and not include Pantera
  3. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    AI sounds suspiciously similar to Gaby from 247 🧐
  4. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Fair enough. I don’t follow G5 football so I wouldn’t know if he’s been trending positively or not. I’ve only watched Toledo a few times the last 4-5 years and they at least looked competent on O.
  5. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    The big positives for him are he seems to adapt to personnel quite well and his offenses are usually well balanced. But his team's have pretty inconsistent production offensively too it seems so its not easy to decipher is that solely on him and his scheme/play calling or does the Toledo G5...
  6. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

  7. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

  8. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    C'mon man you can't say that and not share with us ☹️
  9. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Brought to you by the Gattis is staying crowd so pay no mind
  10. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Makes sense
  11. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    I really like Johnsons potential though. Not the proven results as a playcaller Mullen has but the pedigree of qb development is a major plus, that and the recently attained NFL pedigree.
  12. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Shiiiid he could sell like the 2nd coming of Gordon Gecko and I still wouldn’t co-sign a kid to Tally anyways
  13. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Mullen would be great but just hard to picture the fit with Mario. So I’ll make a compromise which would also seem to align timeframe wise: OC/QB coach- Brian Johnson WR/Pass game coordinator- James Coley
  14. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Still favoring a guy like a Seth Littrell but maybe we can poach a guy like Kevin Johns or find a small school gem OC hungry to make a name for himself
  15. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Using the former head coach as possible OC my brain keeps circling to Jeff Scott as a candidate under heavy consideration for Mario
  16. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Think back to his UVA & BYU offenses for his entire body of work
  17. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    To me the pros far outweigh any cons so its a yes from me
  18. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    The more I think of it the more Anae makes the most sense. Develops qb's, utilizes the entire field, brings balanced run/pass approach, and has done a lot with less. Not sure if he can recruit at the highest level but we have enough on that side to make up for any deficiencies there. You lure...
  19. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    Oh he’s hellbent………..but only getting bent over at this point
  20. Damiencane86

    The OC Candidates Thread

    It seemed nobody was ever able to actually confirm if he truly was a candidate for us or if he was interviewing last go round, but I'd be good with him, hopefully he sees the potential & ceiling we have with all the talent we're gonna be bringing in.