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  1. Hoyacane1620

    Colonoscopy while being water boarded

    I felt some of Mario's comments today may indicate he's cutting some more slack.... Especially when he talked about the team and how they are really working hard, etc.
  2. Hoyacane1620

    Colonoscopy while being water boarded

    Not sure if accurate but I saw a recap of the game online and it said Mesidor left with a sore hamstring....
  3. Hoyacane1620

    Colonoscopy while being water boarded

    He's enjoying being a tv personality.....
  4. Hoyacane1620

    Colonoscopy while being water boarded

    I watched the YES network today. They had a camera close on him at the beginning - he wasn't using his right arm/hand at all. It was hanging down close to his side and he used only his left hand to gesture, etc when talking.... he clearly wasn't moving it