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  1. H

    LT Dominated

    Ideal would be Edgerrin James, Clinton Portis, McGahee, etc. Bigger, stronger and faster than Parrish. Saying that takes zero way from Parrish My post indicated how I feel about the kid. His effort is second to none on this team.
  2. H

    LT Dominated

    Same "heart" as Parrish but ... ideally, bigger, stronger, faster. I did say, "feature back" Always a role for players like Parrish. And, ur right, he does punish defenders, he plays stronger than his size would have you think he would.
  3. H

    LT Dominated

    Parrish plays his *** off out there. Not an ideal feature back but can't fault his effort every down. Countless times got 6 when it coulda been 2 or 3 yds.
  4. H

    LT Dominated

    Yeah, it shows our loss to MTSU maybe wasn't that much of a fluke after all. No TDs from our offense in forever.