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  1. R

    Canes vs UVA

    Brantley was wide open for like 4 whole seconds. I'm actually surprised Jake didn't accidentally step out of bounds or something.
  2. R

    Canes vs UVA

  3. R

    Canes vs UVA

    Wow I thought he missed. Wish we would've gone for it so we can stop watching.
  4. R

    Canes vs UVA

    Do we have someone who can take over receiver coach duties? If the score holds, Gattis get's fired on the field right?
  5. R

    Canes vs UVA

    So was Garcia always bad?
  6. R

    Canes vs UVA

    Man Taylor's get off is something else.
  7. R

    Canes vs UVA

    I don't understand the obsession with getting Brinson involved with reverses or screens. He literally ran into Thad on one and was going to pass with no one running routes on that play. Don't know if either play/ miscommunication was his fault, but let's stop doing that.
  8. R

    Canes vs UVA

    There was no one open. Happens more often than not. What happens when a former free safety is your OC. Dude catfished everyone.
  9. R

    Canes vs UVA

    I'm ready for the off season.
  10. R

    Canes vs UVA

    Wasted a time out, then wasted a perfect punt.
  11. R

    Canes vs UVA

    Ivey looked like he was in slow motion compared to Kam.
  12. R

    Canes vs UVA

    Colbie runs with surprising wiggle and aggression. Give him the ball!