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  1. C

    Recruits believe in Mario more than fans of the program believe in mario

    Historically atrocious coaching but absolutely exceptional work in the crootin department. Hoping for a domino effect on the trail.
  2. C

    Recruits believe in Mario more than fans of the program believe in mario

    Lol nobody’s being a fan later. “Recruiting alone won’t solve the problem, and if Cristobal can’t stop the bleeding on the field, recruiting won’t be there for long.” That’s the leading voice on this entire site. It’s...
  3. C

    Recruits believe in Mario more than fans of the program believe in mario

    Pretty sure Mario is on it. He let it slip in the postgame press conference the other day. Like the fans, he seems to understand the current crop are still part of the old rot. If you’re not willing to work, you’re gone. Support won’t be unconditional. That “unity kills adversity” nonsense being...
  4. C

    Recruits believe in Mario more than fans of the program believe in mario

    Correct. If he can get out of his own way and be more hands off with gameday prep and do away with some of his micromanaging tendencies and glaring deficiencies on gameday he can be a fine CEO. If this historically catastrophic season doesn’t make him adjust then he’ll never learn. Either way...