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  1. miamicanephins

    Josh Pate Mail Bag 10/25

    So far you and @fraggle are only ones willing to take the blame. Lol. Youze guys are stand up guys!
  2. miamicanephins

    Josh Pate Mail Bag 10/25

    Eventually? OK, lol. No fun, too much fun No dancing, too much dancing Not coaching hard enough, coaching too hard. Media blames coach, coach blames media Mom's blame coach, coach blames players. When will an adult stand up and take responsibility?
  3. miamicanephins

    Josh Pate Mail Bag 10/25

    This is just a giant circle jerk, just win already. Mario was paid a lot of money to win, so far he has failed. Enough with the excuses and coach speak. What he has done is not working, make changes and hold coaches and players accountable.