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    Josh Pate Mail Bag 10/25

    Yes. This. The portion of this fan base pointing to the scoreboard, going "See??" regarding the Cristobal hire—half a year in—are the problem. Fact; there are countless people here who actually relish in Miami losing, so they can be "right" about Cristobal. Either way, it's the first quarter...

    Josh Pate Mail Bag 10/25

    Oh please. Calling out two decades of stupidity isn't the problem. If the stupid ceased to exist, there'd be nothing to call out. Those of us who lived on Grassy's site back in the nineties—we endured probation and some really dark days of Hurricanes football—but it was processed, discussed...

    Josh Pate Mail Bag 10/25

    It's not even about being well-connected—it's about being a logic-driven human being, instead of an over-emotional twit. The first thing he did when he saw the story blowing up? Went back to the source and watched the interview for context—instead of just jumping on the narrative that Mario...