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  1. SayWhat

    Alonzo Highsmith is going to be vital to the rebuild

    I have zero concern over whether he stays or goes. I want what's best for him, whatever that may be. There's a lot that needs fixing and contrary to what some may believe here, they can get fixed with or without him.
  2. SayWhat

    Alonzo Highsmith is going to be vital to the rebuild

    Away from the college game which is night and day compared to the NFL. Same with talent evaluations. The NFL are getting far more developed products. On top of that, player scouts are what handles that, not player personnel roles he was in. High school evaluations are far different and guys...
  3. SayWhat

    Alonzo Highsmith is going to be vital to the rebuild

    Again, I never said that. Whether we'll once again be good or not will be determined by those much closer to those who matter, the coaches and players. Not some executive that has very limited contact with any player or those we'll look to add to the team.
  4. SayWhat

    Alonzo Highsmith is going to be vital to the rebuild

    Where did I say that, 20 years erased in 10 months? Alonzo is a nice enough and smart guy, but he's also been away from the college game for 35 years or so. If that's who we're hinging our hopes on, RIP Miami football. It's an unrealistic expectation put on him by some fans, nothing more or less.
  5. SayWhat

    Alonzo Highsmith is going to be vital to the rebuild

    Yet another dinosaur Miami bro tasked with bringing us back in a different time with kids that are just different. Zero coaching experience and minimal experience in an office at the NFL level. He just gets it, right?