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  1. S

    Coaches deserve most of the blame. Here's why.

    That play was so ridiculous. Flag first shows like he is blitzing A gap, then 4 seconds before the ball is snapped, he turns around and runs back 25 yards off the TV screen. Duke then throws over the vacated middle for the first down.
  2. S

    Coaches deserve most of the blame. Here's why.

    And then lose the subsequent week. Lol. We are so fcked, this is worse than Golden and Manny. We could at least look forward to them moving on. We’re stuck with Mario for the next DECADE. We’ll have self driving cars, commercial space travel and ai robots cleaning our house but still have...
  3. S

    Coaches deserve most of the blame. Here's why.

    but but this Mario’s first year! Elko’s first year too, but he inherited more talent. Lol